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SILK ROAD シルクロード

SILK ROAD シルクロード


7. Saka-Parthian period: 100 B.C.- 70 A.D. i.e. about 170 yrs. Independent, separate from India.
サカ(塞)族の期間: 紀元前100-紀元後70。170年間。


歴史概要 History

The term Saka is used to denote the Scythic peoples dwelling on the steppe from the Caspian Sea east to the borders of China.These people were nomads and were famous in antiquity for their horsemanship and fearlessness in battle. The Sakas of Central Asia and the Scythians of the Black Sea region are descended from an earlier culture which dwelt in the Altai. The Sakas and Scythians spoke Iranian languages which were related to those of the Persians, Medes, Bactrians, and Sogdians

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